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Welcome to the Performance benchmark analysis pages of Sunlight! In these pages you can find detailed information and analysis on the performance of applications and benchmarks on various cloud platforms as measured by the Sunlight community. At Sunlight we are passionate about performance! We never assume that all applications can run faster on Sunlight, however we do know that there is a lot confusion out there about the impact of virtualisation. We have created this site as an objective source of reference to help de-mistify some of the performance FUD that exists out there in cloudland. We aim at all times to provide impartial and reproducible peformance results. This is a site for the cloud and virtualisation community, and as such we welcome any and all contributions from interested parties.

Data that is submitted must conform to some simple rules:

  1. All results are provided with clear reproducible steps
  2. Data sets are always provided against public referenceable infrastructure. Any custom hardware results are always referenced also against public cloud instance data (e.g. AWS)
  3. All infrastructure is benchmarked also with baseline performance data on raw storage, network, CPU and memory performance.

About Sunlight

The Sunlight Enterprise Software Platform is a hyper-converged infrastructure system optimized to provide the highest performance IO for both networking and storage traffic to and from tenant Virtual Machines (VMs). It is built on top of the Sunlight NexVisor next generation hypervisor stack providing a whole new paradigm in virtual IO performance. Please visit our website for more information and to get access to a free trial if you are interested to learn more!